Student Activitiy & Study Spaces

Depending on their mood, students can either settle into a cozy bean bag and read a book or get their blood flowing in a friendly, yet competitive game of ping pong. Be it the resource room on the first floor or the library on the second floor, students can find a quiet environment to focus on doing some academic work or simply to relax and take a break when needed.

The newest addition to these spaces is the RnB Cafe. Built in the school's atrium, the cafe is where students can come get their free snacks at recess and lunchtime, but also a great way for them to develop their management skills.

In collaboration with Desjardins Bank, students are introduced to the concepts of small business management; Inventory, Accounting and Customer Service are all aspects that are touched upon through the workings of the Cafe.

Serving hot beverages to the staff and to the parents during events, the funds earned in the cafe go towards the graduating class’ end of year trip. This promotes independence and responsibility amongst the older students and provides a platform for experiential learning and, not to mention, some quality espressos!